John tells us in John 11 about a man named Lazarus who had died, physically. A few days after his death Jesus came to the tomb, called him by name, and raised him from the dead. That within itself is an amazing story when we think of our own spiritual condition. Ephesians 2:1 says we, followers of Christ, were dead in trespasses and sins but have been quickened or made alive in Christ. However, that's not the end of Lazarus' story. In John 12 we find Jesus in Bethany at a feast and we also find Lazarus seated at the table with him. Can you imagine the conversation around that table? What sweet fellowship that must have been. In Revelation 3:20 Jesus says I stand at the door and knock, and to anyone who hears and opens I will come in and eat with him and he with me. You and I will never raise anyone physically from the dead in our power but we are blessed to tell others that Jesus is standing at the door and would like to have the kind of fellowship with them that he has, that’s right, has with Lazarus. Thanks to those individuals and churches who have sponsored us so that we might go and tell young people and the adults who come to watch them shoot archery with HisPins about Jesus, He is still knocking….
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